Newsletter – July/August/September 2018

September 8, 2018 Documents,Newsletter

838 Saratoga Ave., Box 455, Sandy Valley, NV 89019-8529
July/August/September 2018

NOTICE of the Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at 6 PM, at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sky Ranch Estates, Sandy Valley.

Included with this notice – Agenda and Minutes of the board of directors meeting of June 2018.

This meeting will be very important as we have many important items on the agenda. Please plan to attend or send your suggestions or remarks ahead so your voice can be heard. Just a reminder that we are still meeting quarterly and this will be the last meeting before the Budget Ratification Meeting in December, So we will be discussing the budget for 2019 and approving the Reserve Study.

Message from Carl, Board President

PRESERVING OUR AIRPORT. The parcel just northeast of our airport is on the real estate market. Our airport use permit from 1977 is in jeopardy if a permanent residence is built and occupied on that land. As a result, we have many things to consider – safe flying operations, impact on property values, deed restrictions, making the runway shorter, potential lawsuits, possible purchase by our Association, and a Special Assessment for each lot owner to pay for any such purchase. The Board has been hard at work to study all these things and more, to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, for all our Members. We need to make some decisions, and soon. So PLEASE come to the meeting September 18. The Board will outline the issues, present some alternatives, and make recommendations to the Members. Then it’ll be time for questions, ideas, and comments from the Members. Come and be heard! Help shape our future.

We ask if you have problems or concerns with your neighbors, to first come to the board with your concerns and not to involve the County offices until we have exhausted all other avenues. Please let the Board handle.

Water Notice: Note that the annual Consumer Confidence Report was posted on the bulletin board on June 28, 2018. This report is a summary of our water system. Please do not take off the bulletin board but call Elaine and she will send you a copy. Also, the fall watering restrictions apply. Three days a week and never on Sunday. We’re still in drought conditions. Also: Watch for notices of meetings, etc. due to Vidler applying for water rights for a development within Sandy Valley. Support your valley by participating.

Speeding: We have had several complaints and many comments about speeding. This is not only guests and looky loos but residents and specially on Eagle. Please let everyone know to follow the posted speed limit and for the residents, you only get to your destination a couple seconds sooner, so slow down!

Please watch the bulletin board for coming events. The ones that are set: Budget Ratification Meeting/General Membership is set for December 15th which is a Saturday at 1 PM and the annual Christmas Party the week before on December 8th at 5 PM. Mark your calendars for the meeting and the fun party with your neighbors to celebrate the holiday season. Plan your favorite dish to share and let Elaine know as this is a planned dinner menu with the HOA providing the turkey and ham. The gift exchange game has a limit of $25 for each player.

For this time,
Your Board of Directors
Carl VanderVeen, President, 702 723-1904
Bo Gritz, Vice President, 702 723-5226
Elaine Clark, Secretary, 702 723-5018
Linda LeVasseur, Treasurer, 702 723-1727
Tom D’Antonio, 702 612-7623, Member at Large

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