May 20, 2019 Documents,Newsletter
NOTICE of the Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday, May 28, 2019, at 6 PM at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sky Ranch Estates, Sandy Valley. Included with this notice: Agenda and Minutes of the last Board Meeting of
April 2019. NOTE: Mark your calendar as this is a week later than set at the last meeting.
Reminder that the second half of your assessments is due July 1, 2019. If you paid the full amount is January, thank you.
Last month we mentioned that the blue reflectors at the Eagle crossing were run over by cars and that the speed limit is 20 MPH and it is the residents that are the biggest offenders. Please advise your guests, delivery people and repair persons of the speed limit. Also, it has been brought up that since we have had a little more rain than usual this year that those who have dirt parking or driveways or those who go off roading to be careful and try not to drag mud out on the taxiways.
The weed clearing has begun but just a reminder they are only doing about a 6-foot strip along each side of the street/taxiways and the rest is up to you. If you have landscape, they will pass you by.
Have you changed your phone number or e-mail address? Please keep the board informed of any changes. We still like to encourage you to use your e-mail for association notifications, but we also need a mailing address on file for billing.
Once again, we encourage all to attend the meetings of your homeowner association to have your thoughts and complaints heard. Hope to see you there. Again, a reminder that the board of directors and all committees are made up of your