Newsletter July/August 2019

August 19, 2019 Documents,Newsletter

NOTICE of the Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at 6 PM at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sky Ranch Estates, Sandy Valley. Included with this notice: Agenda for this meeting and Minutes of the last Board Meeting of June 2019. NOTE: Again, Mark your calendar as this is a week later than set at the last meeting due to a conflict in scheduling. Remember that we do not meet in July.

Reminder: At our last meeting we had a neighbor with an emergency that brings to mind that we need all of our members to fill out our emergency numbers form. We can only help you if you provide us with the numbers to do so. If you need a form, just ask.

Our sincere sympathy to Ron Phillips and family on the passing of his wife, Rana.

Second Notice: Note from Shon: “The Sky Ranch intranet at is our online resource for members of the community. Monthly newsletters are posted and archived electronically, as are HOA meeting notices with agenda and minutes. There are also tools to report maintenance issues with our runway/taxiways, and water system to the responsible parties. We also have a growing document library and forums and groups for discussions among the membership. We currently have 24 registered accounts on the system and ideally would like to get the entire membership online. The system is accessible from desktop/laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones. Residents and property owners can request access at and accounts are usually approved within 24 hours of request.”

Shon has worked very hard on this site and is willing to help and answer all your questions. We are trying to come into the computer age, so all info is easy to access and readily available. Please help by signing up for your account.

The weed clearing has been done but just a reminder they only did about a 6-foot strip along each side of the street/taxiways and the rest is up to you. With the showers we have had this year the tumbleweeds are still growing wild. Be neighborly and pick up all the tumbleweeds that have tumbled on to the vacant lots. They are easy to spot as they are now brown. This was the last Newsletter…. now there are Tumbleweeds of all sizes, big, little, green, and brown. Please get after them.

It’s past time for Spring Cleaning, so if you haven’t started now is the time. The Arch committee will be looking around. Some items that have been mentioned is that some homes need to be painted and the roofs need repairs. Others are too many vehicles, trailers, etc. Get after it so the committee doesn’t have to remind you.

Once again, we encourage all to attend the meetings of your homeowner association to have your thoughts and complaints heard. Hope to see you there. Again, a reminder that the board of directors and all committees are made up of your neighbors and friends and we ask that you treat them as such. We are doing the best we can.