Newsletter – February 2019

February 15, 2019 Documents,Newsletter

838 Saratoga Ave., Box 455, Sandy Valley, NV 89019-8529

NOTICE: GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Saturday, Feb. 23, at 2pm. at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sky Ranch Estates, Sandy Valley. This General Membership meeting for election of Board officers.

Note: Due to the lack of interest, there will not be an election. Fortunately, Bo and Tom have both indicated they will stay on as directors.

Included with this notice is:

  1. Agenda
  2. Minutes of the last General Meeting of Dec. 15, 2018

At the last meeting we were discussing the water testing for Lead. You will be happy to know the follow-up test on the one home that had a positive result came back negative and is within the department guidelines.

Again, we still have the same negative items being brought before the board, so check to see if any one of these fit you and take care of before it becomes a problem for the board to act on.

  1. Trash, weeds or landscape not cared for that need to be cleaned up. These are not vacant lots that have natural vegetation, just keep the Tumbleweeds pulled.
  2. Too many vehicles, motor homes, trailers etc. kept on lots. Also, vehicles with flat tires, under repair, or non-operable. Put them out of sight and work on them in the backyard and no vehicle or trailer storage on vacant lots without board approval.
  3. Speeding, both owners and guests/workers – 20 MPH
  4. Traffic on the runway
  5. Construction without submitting plans to the architectural committee. You must submit plans on anything you do to change, add or replace per CC&Rs.


OK PEOPLE, it is your responsibility to notify the Association of any contact information changes—changed e-mail address, your phone number, your mailing address, etc. We have had several times recently when we have done water system repairs and needed to notify owners so they can be prepared. Not always an emergency but times when our contractor can fit us in their schedule, so short notice. WATCH FOR NOTICES – the bulletin board, at the mail boxes on the end of Eagle Ave., belongs to us. It was donated by Leslie DiGaetano in memory of her husband, Jim. This is for HOA information only. Anything else placed there can be taken down at a moments notice. E-Mail is the fastest way of getting the notices. We can notify just the people involved. If a neighbor got a notice and you didn’t, check which streets will be down for work. And phone numbers: changed from a land line to cell? We need to know and keep your voice mail box up to date. It does no good for us to reach a “mail box full”. Lastly, remember the board members are your neighbors, we are doing our best. If you don’t like the way things are being run, be active and run for the board, attend the meetings so your voice can be heard but most of all, be courteous.

For this time,
Your Board of Directors
Carl VanderVeen, President, 702 767-7179
Bo Gritz, Vice President, 702 723-5266
Elaine Clark, Secretary, 702 723-5018
Linda LeVasseur, Treasurer, 702 723-1727
Tom D’Antonio, Member at Large 702 612-7623