Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
June 30, 2020
Directors present:
Shon Taylor
Elaine Clark
Linda LeVasseur
Bo Gritz
Tom D’Antonio
Others present:
Homeowners – see sign in sheet.
Meeting called to order at 6 pm by Shon Taylor, Pres
Certification of Quorum. Quorum achieved; all board members present
Flag Salute led by Bo, Vice President
Secretary: Minutes of May 26,2020 of the board to be presented, Motion to approve: LL seconded: TD, …approved.
Correspondence.: E-mails from residents supporting gating, however, concerned at the cost. Several have noted vandalism and hoping that gates would help. Suggestion that we ramp up neighborhood watch or the possibility of security guard. Board will continue to research. and once again suggest owners sign up for the community Website. The possibility of putting an owners phone list on the Website by owners and available to only those who have access to site. E-mail from Jeff regarding Flight for Life and he requested it be read at meeting. (text will follow at end of minutes).
Open forum for agenda items only:
Financial report: account balances were given and report that second payment due tomorrow were coming
in. Accepted as read by Tom D. and Shon T, approved.
Airport manager report: Steve: Again, safety on the runway. The more people we get out here the more chance of an incident. We have more children on the field, and they don’t know how to watch for airplanes, nor do they understand the seriousness of being on the runway. Looks like a large playground to them. People walking or riding their bikes with headsets on are almost as bad. We only need one incident to spoil it for all of us. Please stay off the runway. Steve is trying his best to inform those who may not know and even those who do. Please show respect and be nice, he is doing a wonderful job for all of us..
Committee reports: none
Water report:
Kevin absent but sent a report that all equipment was operational and they system was
doing fine. With the continuing COVID-19 virus, all workshops and conventions are virtual, and Kevin is
taking advantage of these for continuing education.
Gating: still doing research and getting input on gating, so holding off till next meeting.
New Business: none
Owners comments: Some unhappy of being asked to stay off runway… discussion followed. Please be nice.
Next meeting: none in July or August: set for September 29, 2020, 6 pm.
Adjourn 6:40 pm to Executive session.
Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS 116, the Board of Directors of Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association, met on June 30, 2020 at FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sandy Valley, NV.
Jeff letter:
Elaine, just because the board decided that a Lifeflight helicopter can land in front of my house (for example) does not mean that its a good idea to do so. When a helicopter operates into a confined area (which our streets are), dust is not the only consideration. Loose items, brush, open hangers, loose roofing, open windows, etc. are just some of the hazards that are present with this type of operation and could turn one emergency into another. And if you think the county gives a warning that a Lifeflight is coming in, you’re wrong, it just shows up. Also the helicopter in question had wheeled landing gear and could of taxied in and out of the area of the emergency from & to the runway if it had to (there is plenty of rotor clearance on our taxi ways, this is an airport after all. Just in case you think i’m over simplifying my last statement, I have several years experience with operations of this type of helicopter and am aware of what they can do. Many accident / emergency situations that require the use of a Lifeflight helicopter require landing at a site that is away from the actual emergency scene and the patient has to be moved to the helicopter for transport. They could even stage out on the runway in front of the street where the emergency is taking place (so what if they had to shut the airport down for a while). . I think the board should re-think this decision as there are other options, hopefully I’ve given a few to consider. Please read aloud at next board meeting.