Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2018
Directors present:
Tom D’Antonio
Elaine Clark
Linda LeVasseur
Bo Gritz
Carl VanderVeen
Others present:
Homeowners – see sign in sheet.
Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS 116, the Board of Directors of Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association, met on June 19, 2018 at FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sandy Valley, NV.
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Carl VanderVeen, President
Certify a quorum, Elaine Clark…… all present
Flag salute was led by Bo G.
Secretary: Minutes of March 20, 2018 of the board was presented, Motion to approve: TD, seconded: BG……approved.
Correspondence – Letter from BLM re: developers contract/lease of property on the California side that has expired and if the airport has any interest in continuing it. They had been out and inspected the property and saw we had no use for it and after discussion send note confirming that we are not interested.
Open forum for agenda items: none
Financial Report by Linda L. reported that all had paid their assessments…. 100% Bank balances and Summary Balance were read, and report was approved as read. Audit was presented to board and all is in
Airport manager: Bill Poole arrived as we were discussing the airport and reported he had replaced the runway end lights. Suggestion that all bulbs be replaced when one goes out. Take under advisement but consciences is that it is a little excessive at this time. Mr. Campbell has asked if he could bring an aircraft in to be parked at the storage area when he buys a new one. He had rented space for several years and was a good tenant so approved at $25.00 monthly. Bill would like to put signs indicating it is an active runway as we have had several cars/vans using instead of the state line road. Suggested that we also make a berm to dissuade traffic. Wants to remove Desert Willow on the little well property as obscures the end of the runway from Geronimo. Approved. The FAA has contacted him re: NOTAMS agreement with LAS. Have not heard back from LAS or FAA. It is in our best interest to cooperate. He reported that at the Airport Mgrs. meeting in Minden that he got one windsock and pics of Sky Ranch airport from 1990. A request was missed when Mike was ill so we will request 2 socks next year.
Committee reports
Arch request from Paul Szlasa to remove home and replace on Eagle – Approved.
Unfinished business
a. Water report – Kevin reported all well and Utility would be out tomorrow to take one of the large water tests.
b. Update on trash truck turn-arounds – Linda reported that Ed Smith is still working on the turnarounds and has gotten some large rocks to put across to prevent traffic from going street to street. Still work in progress depending on Eds’ work schedule. Discuss about the larger base rocks and the type 2, some have not settled and don’t want to be above the type 2.
c. Weed control – Still an ongoing issue as no volunteers came forward to clear. Linda to check on options as to hire or buy equipment as an ongoing problem.
New Business
Weed control….. handled under unfinished business above.
Open Forum
John Ray spoke that he had gone to Fire, Building Department, regarding the helicopter at 811 Capri and he stated permit needed to run a business out of location. Zoning is correct but other permits needed. Board told him that they were using as storage like all the rest of us and not sure of his concerns. We have copy of his insurance from when he was in the FBO and policy is with the same agent that the Airport has. Ray stated it was a commercial operation and different than all other residents. Place on next meeting and ask that Bob attend. Richard Elfgin commented on the repairs to the runway and that he felt the locations that were cut out and replaced were excessive. Was told that we followed the recommendations of Southland as what was best for the runway. He also was concerned that the burn pile would be a hazard if not handled correctly and was assured there would be people on hand and done with all safety in mind. He also commented on the quarterly meetings vs the monthly and was told this was on a trial basis and we would be revisiting the first meeting of the new year.