Certification of a Quorum: Elaine Clark, Secretary
Flag Salute: Bo Gritz, Vice President
Approval of Minutes Board of Directors Meeting/ Correspondence: September 24, 2019, Elaine Clark, Secretary Action required; review/motion
Homeowners open forum: According to NRS.116.31083, this portion of the meeting is devoted to owner’s comments and discussion of those items listed on the agenda only. Owners are asked to limit their time to 3 minutes. Except in emergencies, no action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item until the matter itself has been specifically included on the agenda as an item on which action may be taken.
Financial Report: 2020 budget, discuss increase in Reserve Assessment. Linda LeVasseur, Treasurer, Action required; Review/Motion
Airport Managers Report: Airport committee to report: Bill Poole, mgr. Shon/Rebecca, Kevin airport manager team. Update on projects.
Unfinished Business:
a. Water Report: Kevin McMahan.
b. Follow up: Discuss Rules and Regulations draft C-Cans. Action required; Review/Motion
New Business: Discuss whether to fill Carl’s position on board or wait for election in Feb.
Owners comment forum: In accordance with NRS 116.31083, this portion of the meeting is devoted to owners’ comments and discussion. Owners are asked to limit their concerns to 3 minutes. Except in emergencies, no action may be taken upon any item raised under this item on the agenda, until the matter itself has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Per NRS 116 all members have the right to speak to the association or the Board of Directors at all meetings during the member comment period.
Next meeting: Board of Directors: Set dates for next Board of Directors meeting, for Budget Ratification General Membership meeting in December, and 2020 General Membership meeting for elections in February, and Christmas Party.