Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting – May 28, 2019

June 20, 2019 Documents,Minutes


Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
May 28, 2019

Directors present:

Bo Gritz
Tom D’Antonio
Elaine Clark
Carl VanderVeen
Linda LeVasseur

Others present:
Homeowners -see sign in sheet.

Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS 116, the Board of Directors of Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association, met on May 28, 2019 at 6 pm at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sandy Valley, NV.

1. Call to Order: at 6:03pm, Carl VanderVeen, Present

2. Certification of a Quorum: All board members present, Elaine Clark, Secretary

3. Flag Salute: led by Bo.

4. Approval of Minutes-Board of Directors Meeting/ Correspondence:

  • a. April 16, 2019 minutes. Motion: LL 2ndTD, approved.
  • b. Correspondence, none

5. Homeowners open forum agenda only: none

6. Financial Report: Linda presented. Assessments current til July 1. Audit will be presented at the next meeting. Report accepted as read.

7. Airport Mgr. report: Bill requested that he receive earlier notification of anything happening on airport. He did clean up crash site and felt the HOA should be compensated. Board and members felt this was not appropriate nor necessary that all who helped did so at their own out ofbeing neighborly. He stated that Chuck has done the weed spraying. And Chuck stated a little more weed removal is necessary and that he would take his tractor out and get it done. Bill stated that the final reflectors replacement would be done by July 1, however, the end light replacement is more complicated. The bases and wiring need more attention and more parts. A group to investigate this “Bill, Carl, Shon, and Kevin”will report at next meeting. The state inspection of the airport will be on June 19thor 20thand Bill will replace both windsocks prior and they will be told of the lighting project. Carl requested that he be notified of the date so he could attend.

8. Arch committee: 828 Saratoga. Have not heard back from property owner so will table until later. Bill Poole submitted a change on his fencing, approved and 811 Eagle submitted paint scheme, approved.

9. Unfinished business:

  • a. water: Kevin absent
  • b. weeds…. Mark finished the clearing.
  • c. Compensation: Board still feels that Kevinshould be compensated, and Carl will contact Kevin and place on the agenda for next month.

10. New Business: none

11. Open meeting. a. C-Cans were discussed and asked if we could have. Board will research. b. burn pile… ask the fire department if they would burn as a training for them and to help us.

12. Next meeting: 6/18/2019

13. Adjourn to Executive Session if needed: 6:50 pm

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