Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
January 15, 2019
Directors present:
Elaine Clark
Linda LeVasseur
Bo Gritz
Tom D’Antonio
Richard Elfgen
Others present: Homeowners – see sign in sheet.
Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS 116, the Board of Directors of Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association, met on January 15, 2019 at 6 pm at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sandy Valley, NV.
Call to Order at 602 pm: Carl VanderVeen, President
Certification of a Quorum: All board members present, Elaine Clark, Secretary
Flag Salute led by Bo Gritz, Vice President
Approval of Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting/ Correspondence: Oct 20, 2018.
Motion: Linda LeVasseur, 2nd by Bo Gritz—approved
Homeowners open forum agenda only: none
Financial Report: Linda LeVasseur, Treasurer report given, payments coming in with a few stragglers. Approved as read. Comments that the reserve needs to be increased will be addressed at later meetings.
Airport Managers Report
Working on replacing the runway reflectors. End lights to be replaced with LED available 3 weeks board approved purchase with a maximum of $3500.00 at previous meeting and this is an update. Bill going to the annual meeting of airport managers. Comments as to whether we need to join the airport association or not. Board discussed and was decided to continue with membership. Runway stripping to be done in March.
Committee reports
Arch committee: none
Unfinished Business
a. Water update, Carl presented…. All good, with minor repairs on small well. Divers to come out to check on water tank. Bid for $2800.00. Motion Tom D’Antonio 2nd Linda LeVasseur approved
b. Streets
c. Rainy day fund: more discussion to bring up at general meeting to get more input. E-mail from Nora in opposition.,
New Business
a. Compensation for on site water manager—placed on next board meeting agenda
Owners Open Forum: none
Next meeting: General membership Saturday, Feb. 23, 2 PM