January 7, 2019 Documents,Minutes
Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting
October 20, 2018
Directors present:
Tom D’Antonio
Elaine Clark
Linda LeVasseur
Bo Gritz
Richard Elfgen
Others present: Homeowners – see sign in sheet
Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS 116, the Board of Directors of Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association, met on October 20, 2018 at 2 pm at the FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sandy Valley, NV.
1. Call to Order at 2 pm: Carl VanderVeen, President
2. Certification of a Quorum: All board members present, Elaine Clark, Secretary
3. Flag Salute led by Bo Gritz, Vice President
4. Homeowners Open Forum
Budget only – couple items brought up but put off to item 6.
5. Financial Report: Linda LeVasseur, Treasurer
a. Budget for 2019: Linda explained that the general assessment needed to be increased to cover the anticipated 2019 expenses. We have reduced the general assessment by 1⁄2 for the last 8 years and we need to add 1⁄2 of that back. Discussion was made by Carl that we need to also increase the Reserve Assessment as recommended by the Reserve Study. Other board members felt we were fine as is but may have to consider in future years.
Action required: Review/Motion – Motion by EC to accept the budget as presented with the increase in General Assessment only, Second by TD. BG, LL, EC, TD approved, CV opposed due to feeling the Reserve should also be raised.
b. Special Assessment for future: Carl wanted discussion on how to have funds that could be used like a war chest/rainy day fund. Felt the boards hands were tied in not being able to use Reserve Funds to purchase the lot to preserve our runway or other incidentals that need immediate attention and not wait for member approval of a special assessment. Research needed to see how we could accomplish this as we are under the non-profit regs, the NRS regs, and our own docs. Continue next meetings.
6. Owners Forum: Kevin made a water report and with several items that will be looked into and brought before the next board meeting as an agenda item. Bill Poole asked if there was $$ in the budget to put LED lights in the runway ends, and was told there was and to go ahead. He also brought up that the striping on the runway was cracking and chipping. He was asked to contact Southland Asphalt before the year end as should still be under warranty. Elaine brought an e-mail from B Leininger, (Marilyn Larson’s nephew-in-law) asking to present Solar Energy at a meeting. Marilyn is currently having her Las Vegas home done. CV stated that he didn’t feel it appropriate as it is a sales presentation. It was to be mentioned in minutes and anyone interested could contact Elaine and get his contact information, to call him directly. Mike L asked if anyone had contacted AOPA to see if their legal department could help us if the purchase of the lot at the end of the runway became troublesome or a threat to our runway. Asked that someone look into this and bring to the next board meeting. It was also brought up that the quarterly meetings are not working and too many things that need, not necessarily immediate attention, but sooner than the quarterly meeting. Said we would give it a try until after the first of the year, so will hold to then.
7. Next meeting
General membership/budget ratification: Saturday, December 15, 2018, 1 pm with Christmas party after at 5 pm
8. Adjourn: 3:55 pm /Executive Session if needed.