Minutes of the General Membership Meeting – February 17, 2018

December 8, 2018 Documents,Minutes



Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association

Minutes of the General Membership Meeting

February 17, 2018


Directors present:

Tom D’Antonio

Elaine Clark

Linda LeVasseur

Bo Gritz

Absent:                      Richard Elfgen

Others present:       Homeowners – see sign in sheet


Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS 116, the General Membership of Sky Ranch Estates Owners Association, met on Saturday, February 17, 2018 at FBO, 601 Eagle Ave., Sandy Valley, NV.


  1. Meeting called to order at 2 pm by Tom D’Antonio
  2. Flag salute was led by Tom D’ Antonio
  3. Secretary: certification of quorum
  4. Member comments on agenda items: none
  5. Secretary, Minutes of the General Membership meeting of Feb. 17, 2018 presented, motion to approve made by Scott Griesman, seconded by Carl VanderVeen, approved.
  6. Election volunteers appointed:  Carol Leiby, Scott Griesman, and Janice Giger. Results were tabulated, verified and reported: Linda L., Elaine C., and Carl V. were elected.
  7. Public comment period: none
  8. Meeting adjourned, 2:47 pm


Respectfully submitted:

Elaine Clark, Secretary                                          Approved:                                                                  2nd:












Minutes gen meetjing Feb 17, 2018 PDF